Healing can take hard work and dedication.  It can take time.  It is not something that usually happens by only devoting one hour a week during a therapy session.  Healing takes using many different methods such as working on yourself outside of the therapy room too.  I believe in a Holistic Approach which means using more natural approaches such as Mindfulness, Meditation, Healthy Relationships, Healthy Nutrition, Exercise and Spirituality.

For me, my spiritual life is lead by Jesus Christ.  He has touched my life and blessed me in many ways throughout my years.  He knows me inside and out. He gets me!  He knows that I am a very visual person so He used trees to speak to me during a Women’s Retreat I was on a few years ago.  Isn’t it cool that on the days we may be at our lowest point, God can use even the smallest of things to speak to us?!

While I was sitting during my praise and worship time at the Retreat, I was very drawn to this large, beautiful tree out in a distance. I was then reminded of John 15:4, “so you must remain in life-union with Me, for I remain in life-union with you.  For as a branch severed from the vine will not bear fruit, so your life will be fruitless unless you live your life INTIMATELY joined to mine.” (TPT). It goes on to say “As you live in Union with Me as your source, FRUITFULNESS will stream from you, but when you live separated from Me you are powerless.”

Life is about choices.  God showed me that I can choose to be like the large, beautiful tree in the picture that produces wonderful fruit & is powerful OR like the small little tree that is fruitless and powerless.  I have come to realize that in those moments of powerlessness is when the enemy attacks me the most because I am weak.  That is when those lies of “you aren’t good enough or you will fail” creep into the very depths of the soul and can lead to symptoms such as depression & anxiety.  Remember, the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control.  God is so powerful that He gives us the ability to produce these very attributes and all we have to do is receive them because they are already ours!! We receive them by being intimately connected to Him. How is that done? For me, I’ve produced the fruits of the spirit by spending time with Him, worshipping Him, talking with Him, reading His Word, thanking Him and opening my heart to Him.

Connecting with Him is an additional way to help in the healing process.  His love can help move you through your healing process!

If you would like help through your healing process, please contact me today to begin your journey!

“Arise, you sleeper! Rise up from your coffin and the Anointed One will shine his light into you!””

Ephesians 5:14 TPT

Rise up from your sleep today! Rise up out of your pit and Praise Him! He will shine His light into you! He will take the darkness and in exchange bring you all the fruit of the Spirit! Just praise Him!! He loves you dearly!